Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Lil Rascal is turning into a boy..

All this while my lil rascal has been the baby of the house and he still is but the day we said goodbye to nappies made me realise that THIS was going to be the LAST time i will walk down an aisle full of baby things. I won't be walking into a shop full of baby things either..cause my Lil Rascal is now a boy!!

No more wet wipes!! No more Nappies!..sigh..and to admit i kinda miss those nappy days...heck, at least i get away with shopping cause i don't have to stop whatever i am doing just to rush to the toilet so that he doesn't pee in his pants... and did i mention the times..when we were in coles getting our groceries..just the two of us and there i am with a trolley full of goods and he had to.."mummy..i need to pee..NOW!"..Gosh..i could have won like a gold medal for i had to abandon my whole trolley in the middle of any god forsaken aisle and carry him to find the nearest toilet i could get him into!! Phew..yes..that is my shopping life now..ever ready to make that quick dash to the toilet whenever he needs too..i must admit i am better at doing this now..cause i force him to go to the toilet before we GO anywhere so i don't have to abandon any shopping carts!

I am glad i waited till he was ready to take his own step to being a boy..cause it only took me 1 week for him to be comfortable enough wearing his undies and leaving his nappies behind for good. I mean i remember the drama i had last year..gosh!! He was crying, half naked running around the whole house like a chicken without a head looking everywhere for his pampers (partially cause i hid them away from him) I must say though..that 1 week i took training him involved putting his green ikea potty permanently as a statue in the middle of my living room and did i mention i had to put newspapers all over it as well so that his pee doesn't drop onto the carpets?? yes..the pains of potty training and the constant nagging that would have me beat an 80 year old granny as well! i think like every 5 mins..i had to ask Lil u need to wee?Do you need to pee? until he and I were both sick to death by the end of one week! I think i grew so tired of asking at one stage that i was like..whatever! hahaa..but then i came back to my senses again and started the ball rolling again with nagging him!

Anyway, after one week of nagging and my house turning into a war zone..he was nappy free and as of last week, he has stopped nappies at night too! an adorable sweetie I have..who just amazes us! I can't stop pinching his butt cheeks now..they are like the tiniest most adorable butt cheeks i have even pinched!! ahha..i know i sound like a paedophile..but i am NOT!! I am just a mum who is in love with her son! haha..

well..cheers to underwear and the start to his boyhood!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

my NEW daily routine!

It is funny how one change of event will eventually affect the whole entire family! Before Lil Tinkerbell started school, we all used to wake up late in the mornings and everything was so nice and laid back but eversince she started school, we have somehow created a whole new family routine:-

7:00am: My Ironchef is normally the first one up in the household! followed by either myself or lil Tinkerbell and lucky last will be my lil rascal.

7:30am: Breakfast for the kids and packing Lil Tinkerbell's lunch box. (she normally has sandwiches for breakfast and lunch)

8:10am: The whole family leaves the house together to send her off

8:45am: Lil Tinkerbell starts her school and normally we walk her to her classroom together with her class teacher and classmates.

9:00am: We leave school compound and Ironchef drops me and lil rascal off to the gym.

9:30am : My class aerobics start

10:30am: It ends and the world starts with just the two of and my lil young boy hand in hand walking back

12:00pm: Prepare lunch for us both and have our meals

2:00pm: We have to get ready to leave the house and catch the tram to pick Lil Tinkerbell up from school. By the time we walk to the tram stop and get our act together, it would be just nice.

3:10pm: Lil Tinkerbell finishes school and starts chatting away about her day in school while we walk to the tram stop and catch the tram back to our place.

4:00pm: We reach home and I prepare a lil snack for her to eat and she will rest abit before she starts her homework

5:00pm: Homework time.

6:00pm: Kids watch their cartoon while Ironchef prepares dinner.

6:30pm: Kids have their bath and then dinner thereafter.

7:30pm: Lil Tinkerbell will continue her homework if she still has not finished otherwise she will just play and rest.

8:30pm: Sleeping time for the kids and freedom for the adults! Nice catch up time for Ironchef and myself about the day or just being able to watch TV and surf the internet.

11pm: Bedtime..ZZZz

This routine has been like this for the past 4 weeks now but of course if Ironchef gets off work early then it changes altogether cause we don't have to catch the tram bla bla..

Such is Life......

Monday, February 8, 2010

Chinese New Year Around the Corner

This will be our third time celebrating Chinese New Year without any parents or relatives. I must admit it is really quiet having to celebrate festive occasions like these without family and being in Australia where there is no atmosphere of the new year makes it abit hard trying to cheer up and prepare for such a joyous occasion.

Albeit all this, I try hard to make it as happy as possible and to get into the mood and swing of it all, I even bought CNY dvd's and CD's from Malaysia so i play them in the house as i go around decorating my house. I have even invited close friends to celebrate CNY reunion dinner with us and thanks to my mum who bought me a packet of "Yee Sang" so at least i can toss it over here! I love my yee sang!

I am even learning to bake some CNY goodies like pineapple tarts etc..*wish me luck* Well as the saying goes, Beggars can't be we just have to make the most out this joyous occasion.